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Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Sancha Adams
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Sharon Adamson
Administrative Assistant
🗄️ Department: Support Staff
View full details for: Claire Allen
Resource & Methods
Grade 6
6-8 Technology
Grade 6-8 Technology
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Tessa Bell
Grade 8 Prime Math
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Heidi Boucher
Gr. 7 Immersion FILA
Grade 7
Grade 6-8 Physical Education
🗄️ Department: Teaching
View full details for: Cody Butler
Administrative Assistant
Gr.6 Immersion English LA
Grade 6
Grade 6-8 Art
Grade 8 Prime Post Intensive French
Grade 8 Immersion French Language Arts
🗄️ Department: Administration
📱 Phone: (506) 453-5405
View full details for: Joe Crossland
Grade 6-8 Physical Education
English as an Additional Language Teacher (EAL)
🗄️ Department: Facilities
View full details for: Terry Doherty
🗄️ Department: Support Staff
View full details for: Whitney Doiron
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Desiree Dumas
Grade 7 Prime Language Arts
Grade 7 Immersion English Language Arts
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Kimra Ferguson-Miller
Gr.6 Prime Social Studies
Grade 6
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Paula George
Gr.6 Immersion Maths
Grade 6
Methods and Resource Teacher
Grade 7
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Melissa Hinds
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: David Jenkins
🗄️ Department: Facilities
View full details for: Bev Jewett
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Shelly Jones
Grade 6 Prime Math
Gr. 6 & 7 Immersion FILA
Gr.6 Prime Post-Intensive French
Grade 6
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Lorna King
Grade 6 Immersion Science
Student Attendant
🗄️ Department: Support Staff
View full details for: Thomas Langille
Grade 8 Immersion Science
Methods and Resource Teacher
Grade 8
Academic Support Teacher
Gr.8 Social Studies
Behaviour Intervention Mentor
Gr. 6 - 8
Gr.6 Prime Language Arts
Grade 6
Enhancement Educational Support Worker
🗄️ Department: Support Staff
View full details for: Tyler Nason
School Counsellor
Wolastoqey Language Teacher
🗄️ Department: Teaching
View full details for: Shelby Paul
Enhancement Educational Support Worker
🗄️ Department: Support Staff
View full details for: Alex Paul
Gr.7 Prime Math
Grade 7
Grade 8 Prime Science
Grade 7 Prime Science
🗄️ Department: Teaching
View full details for: Chris Piers
🗄️ Department: Administration
📱 Phone: (506) 453-5405
View full details for: Amanda Piron
Wolastoqey Language Teacher
Wolastoqey Progressive Class Lead
🗄️ Department: Teaching
View full details for: Shelley Polchies
Gr.7 Resource & Methods
Gr.6 Prime Science
Grade 6
🗄️ Department: Teaching
View full details for: Sydney Ryan
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Karla Serrano
Grade 7 Prime Post-Intensive French
Jordan's Principle School Counselor
Jordan's Principle School Counselor
Grade 8 Prime Language Arts
Grade 6-8 Music
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Paulette Thomas
Grade 7 Prime Social Studies
Educational Assistant
🗄️ Department: Educational Assistants
View full details for: Tammy Wade
🗄️ Department: Facilities
View full details for: Brian Walsh
Grade 8 FI Math
Gr. 7/8 Immersion Maths
Grade 7 & 8
🗄️ Department: Teaching
View full details for: Emma Wilkes